Releasenotes V420 Build 4.20.6377.39 Report Improvements * in jetter reports cable ends now also show their duct-color (DEVAND-3347) * splice report got additional header data (DEVAND-3466) * rework of the report selection for better performance in network environment (ANDEV-3431) * Betriebslängenplan replaced by new Report: Trench Ducts of Cable (DEVAND-2996) * CSV report Improvements: new export settings; new dynamic label accessors; name formats * CSV report will opened by Excel by default correct * CSV report template * fix for missing layers in KMZ exports due to wrong UTF-8 encoding (DEVAND-2708) * functionality got added to also support dynlabel replacement options for toptrench level (ANDEV-3507) Edit properties of multi-selected trench segments * functionality got added to edit trench info in multi selection operation (ANDEV-3004) NIS-Topology view * fix for multiple cable inscriptions in NIS topology view on top of each other and length shown without reserve length now (SUP-315) * fix to store and load NIS-structure again (SUP-315) * fix for a memory leak in reports and NIS printing (DEVAND-3330) * fix for "logikplan text is ignored for cables in NIS project" problem (ANDEV-3480) * fix for missing NIS-nodes for open cable ends (ANDEV-3328) * feature: NIS: Location hierarchy filter (ANDEV-3178) Other Fixes & Improvements * crash fixed when opening WMS Client in case of internet not available (SUP-573) * BOM attributes of trenchlines also in german now not only in english (ANDEV-3305) * fix for folder turning invisible in indextree after namechange (DEVAND-3488) * feature eventlogger got added (DEVAND-2517) * fix for missing stations when using the Q function (DEVAND-3527) * fix for possibillity creating a new layer from hotspot edit dialog (DEVAND-3326) * supporting new TOWGS84 option in GDAL for exports to KMZ (SUP-364) * fix for lost EEP connections if linked project is not in cache (DEVAND-3551) * fix to show "pin, pack" in result of Q-tracing function in case no text is existing and fix for missing endpoints (DEVAND-3553) * feature: new functionality for label objects, they now can synchronize lines on both sides (ANDEV-3373) * fix for performance issues with zoom in/out and pan in case of a very large number of global layers (ANDEV-3393) * fix for invalid response calling WMS Interface GetFeatureInfo with UID = 0 (ANDEV-3293) * fix in DbAdmin GUI to sort out the deranged dot rights view (DEVAND-3538) * fix for crash when moving testpoints (SUP-495) * fix to also delete child folders when a state folder is deleted and the propagation of the delete into the backend (ANDEV-3378) * netcheck wire count mismatch warning got added (ANDEV-3371) * fix for SOAP Collecting service lock which prevents processing of new added files (DEVAND-2794) * fix for problem of "open pins" after replace of amplifiers (SUP-391) * fix for wrong timestamp logging of Server Import tool (DEVAND-3461) * fix for "0 length for sections" result of Q-tracing function (ANDEV-3380) * WMS interface now returns error code 404 when file is not found (ANDEV-3407) * WMS interface exports ducts with their subducts now (ANDEV-3414) * fix for broken functionality "catch to background" for block rotation (SUP-602) * fix for deleting the wrong linepoint (ANDEV-3429) * fix for "double splice point labels" problem when connecting bundles (ANDEV-3423) * graphical representation of very short legs of a microduct got reworked to avoid lines drawn wrong to the left top corner (ANDEV-3467) * fix to solve the problems in the clients sheet navigation tree (DEVAND-3287) * fix to avoid fibres turning black and labels lose content when moving a block (ANDEV-3430) * fix for BW-funding export when several trenches in are the same position (SUP-656) * fix to handle Atesio Message (Code 3007) during FTTH import (ANDEV-1714) * command "Connect to signal source" got removed from client GUI -function deprecated- (ANDEV-3486) * fix for problem that Q-tracing function for copper cable shows section length 0 (ANDEV-3483) * Fix for broken search filter when using date variable filter to search for a hotspot (ANDEV-3225) * Fixed 'Invalid Argument' error message when in a geo project while adding a trench line with add 3 trench cross-sections (ANDEV-3389) * fix to resolve ORACLE error 06550 logged in smartserver (ANDEV-3501) * Fix to avoid oracle deadlocks when multiple files are processed in the same time (ANDEV-3484) * Fix for internal errors in WMS Plugin and with printing in AND client leading to intermittent crashes of the client (ANDEV-3484) * fix for dynlabel %L[sTH] as it did not work for symbol splice trays (DEVAND-3176) * gisarea foreign cables diameter gets stored from now in the trenchline properties immediatelly when they get created (ANDEV-3470) * warning level implemented for wire count mismatch in netcheck was made less restrictive (ANDEV-3371, ANDEV-3497) * fix for problems editing cells in some dialogues in a multi monitor setup (ANDEV-3472) * fix for duplicated free text on pdf export (ANDEV-3481) * fix for incorrect placed objects when composing maps with different bitmap resolutions (SUP-488) * cleanup functionality to delete orphaned, empty, and unidentified sheets in projects generated by block or sheet load operations (ANDEV-3362) * fix for revision period and last revision of locations which where not saved for DuctPackage and Trenches (ANDEV-3170) * fix for improper merge result (not deleted) when deleting foreign references in DA during merge into MainAlternative (ANDEV-2845) * fix for problems with moving sheet-pins on a sheet's right/bottom-edge (ANDEV-3542) * fix for a wrong compare of values in returnpath output of netcheck (dBµV is compared with dBmV) (ANDEV-3541) * fix for problem with invisible (but still existing) objects after printing blocks (SUP-812) * fix for DB-index now gets created asside the FK and the new column when hotspots are linked (ANDEV-3522) * improvment: DA rights got reworked regarding the inheritance of user rights ANDEV-3426 * improvment to propagate the current logging level configured in smartserver to all connected NATs (ANDEV-3521) * Fix for ORACLE errors logged into the smartserverlog when projects with special characters in their names are used (ANDEV-3248) * fix for broken catch-functionality with NCW trench on NCW trench (SUP-829) * Fix for a NAT memory leak found by a stresstest (DEVAND-1718) * Fix for search filter with fields of type Date or Checkbox are broken (DEVAND-3260) * Fix for colour overwritten by multiselection (DEVAND-3332) * Fix for a memory leak in Smartserver leading to service termination (DEVAND-1610) * Fix for vanishing licenses on Softlocks when creating more than one identical licenses (DEVAND-3473) * Fix for EEPs not refreshed from partner projects in Standalone client (DEVAND-3268) * Fix for splicebox in some cases loosing connections in the moment a bundle is connected (DEVAND-3294) * Supporting now Metadata-DOTs when generating objects from trench-template in shape import (DEVAND-3351) * Fix for broken DOT geometry indexing into database (DEVAND-3390) * Enlarged "Select cable/wire" dialog to hold longer texts (DEVAND-3263) * Fix for deadlock in DB and stalled MQ_TASKs when importing a .csv with several changes in one project (DEVAND-3042) * Fix for first position point is wrongly placed when adding a NCW trench connector (DEVAND-2569) * Fix for failing Address update with SOAP CollectingService exception in some cases (DEVAND-2427) * Fix for occasional crash on opening print menu of export frames (DEVAND-2865) * Fix for error "Falsches Argument festgestellt" in client when hovering over a new drawn cable (DEVAND-3194) * AND user name size got increased to 256 characters (DEVAND-1142) * Fix to update of the outgoing signal in an ONT after a change of this object in the library and reopening of the project (DEVAND-3127) * Anonymized description is shown now in SpliceBox if no cable is connected to the splice box pin (DEVAND-3316)